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Please also check out the community website for up to date information, events and resources specific for our community

Upcoming Programs
EC- 1st Parent Brainstorming - Made with
5-13 Brainstorming Session - Made with P

Attention Middle School

Remote R.T.S. is Here!

Read Books and Earn Prizes!

Send an email here to let us know which book you just enjoyed!

Family Guidance & Support
Family Guidance & Support


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School at Home:

Setting Up Your Child

(and Yourself) for Success

Dr. Scott Goldberg speaks

to mothers of Passaic-Clifton

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Special Video Series...

Our beloved 4th grade Rebbe, Rabbi Elachanan Erlanger LSW

provides timely guidance for families

Phone & Printer Gemach

Phone and Priner Gemach Graphic.png

Are your phone lines tied up?

An extra phone line can go a very long way towards regaining peace in your home. You can temporarily obtain additional cell phone service by purchasing a prepaid cell phone sim card and inserting it into a compatible cell phone.


We may have a compatible cell phone for you!


Do you need a printer to print worksheets, quizzes and tests?

We may have a printer for you!


If you would like to coordinate this Gemach, donate a cell phone/printer, sponsor a cell phone or printer or utilize the Gemach, please email

School Wide Conferences
School Wide Conferences

Meeting #1, March 16

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School Meeting: March 16, 2020Rabbi Yosef Seldowitz
00:00 / 22:19
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Meeting #2, March 21 - Question & Answers

School Meeting #2 - Q & A.jpg
School Meeting #2 AudioRabbi Yosef Seldowitz
00:00 / 24:48
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Meeting #3, April 18 - The Post Pesach Plan

School Meeting 3 - Made with PosterMyWal
School Meeting #3 AudioRabbi Yosef Seldowitz
00:00 / 30:14
Educational Resources
Educational Resources
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Student Programs & Hotlines
Student Hotlines
WonderWords Hotline
Masmidei Hasiyum
Mishna Rishona
WonderWords Ad
Pirchei Hotline

For support with the

Masmidei Hasiyum Program

Please be in touch with Rabbi Feldman at

External Links
External Links


The Clifton Cheder & Bais Yaakov of Clifton do not endorse excessive screen time and do not take responsibility for any content on the sites below.

Child care is now a real challenge. Yet, a prudent approach toward screen time is important to avoid building detrimental habits within our homes.

We also caution parents to first preview any content before showing it to their children. Even content created by individuals or organizations within our Orthodox community may lack important sensitivities to yiras shamayim, middos tovos and derech eretz.

Please stick to your values and use with caution.


Torah Live has been made available for the Passaic-Clifton Community

Click on the icon to find the access

code at

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Oorah has generously made their Shmorg videos available to the public. Click on the icon above to connect to their website.

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Rosh Chodesh Project has generously shared a video with our Cheder families.

Rosh Chodesh Project is an international school based program whose goal is to promote topics relating to Emunah and the awareness of Hashem in our lives.

Clifton Cheder Iceland Video Campaign-1.

Clifton Cheder / Bais Yaakov of Clifton  1333 Broad Street Clifton, NJ 07013  

 973-472-0011   |

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